Packages changed:
  hwdata (0.326 -> 0.328)
  installation-images-MicroOS (14.442 -> 14.443)
  metallb (0.8.1 -> 0.8.2)
  python-Jinja2 (2.10.1 -> 2.10.3)
  python-attrs (19.1.0 -> 19.3.0)
  python-ecdsa (0.13.2 -> 0.13.3)
  vim (8.1.2148 -> 8.1.2233)

=== Details ===

==== flannel ====

- Use Tumbleweed Kubic flannel containers instead of devel:kubic
  containers. This fixes aarch64 and ppc64* (boo#1152185)

==== glib2-branding-openSUSE ====

- Add super+f1 key binding for help to match GNOME default.

==== hwdata ====
Version update (0.326 -> 0.328)

- Update to version 0.328:
  * Updated pci, usb and vendor ids.

==== installation-images-MicroOS ====
Version update (14.442 -> 14.443)

- merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#340
- fix initial sshd key generation
- setup /etc/sysconfig/ssh in rescue system
- 14.443

==== metallb ====
Version update (0.8.1 -> 0.8.2)

- Update to version 0.8.2
  - Fix layer2 node selection when healthy and unhealthy replicas
    are colocated on a single node. (#474)
  - Drop support for helm chart installation
- Refresh vendor.tar.gz

==== python-Jinja2 ====
Version update (2.10.1 -> 2.10.3)

- Update to 2.10.3:
  * Fix Python 3.7 deprecation warnings.
  * Using range in the sandboxed environment uses xrange on Python 2 to avoid memory use. :issue:`933`
  * Use Python 3.7's better traceback support to avoid a core dump when using debug builds of Python 3.7. :issue:`1050`
  * Fix a typo in Babel entry point in that was preventing installation.
- Remove merged python38.patch

==== python-PyJWT ====

- Fix build with ecdsa >= 0.13.3, #447
  * 0001-Catch-BadSignatureError-raised-by-ecdsa-0.13.3.patch

==== python-attrs ====
Version update (19.1.0 -> 19.3.0)

- update to 19.3.0
  * Fixed auto_attribs usage when default values cannot be compared directly
    with ==, such as numpy arrays.
- update to version 19.2.0:
  * Backward-incompatible Changes
    + Removed deprecated "Attribute" attribute "convert" per scheduled
    removal on 2019/1.  This planned deprecation is tracked in issue
    `#307 <>`_.
    `#504 <>`_
    + "__lt__", "__le__", "__gt__", and "__ge__" do not consider
    subclasses comparable anymore.  This has been deprecated since
    18.2.0 and was raising a "DeprecationWarning" for over a year.
    `#570 <>`_
  * Deprecations
    + The "cmp" argument to "attr.s()" and "attr.ib()" is now
    deprecated.  Please use "eq" to add equality methods ("__eq__"
    and "__ne__") and "order" to add ordering methods ("__lt__",
    "__le__", "__gt__", and "__ge__") instead ? just like with
    <>`_.  Both
    are effectively "True" by default but it's enough to set
    "eq=False" to disable both at once.  Passing "eq=False,
    order=True" explicitly will raise a "ValueError" though.  Since
    this is arguably a deeper backward-compatibility break, it will
    have an extended deprecation period until 2021-06-01.  After
    that day, the "cmp" argument will be removed.  "attr.Attribute"
    also isn't orderable anymore.  `#574
  * Changes
    + Updated "attr.validators.__all__" to include new validators
    added in `#425`_.  `#517
    + Slotted classes now use a pure Python mechanism to rewrite the
    "__class__" cell when rebuilding the class, so "super()" works
    even on environments where "ctypes" is not installed.  `#522
    + When collecting attributes using "@attr.s(auto_attribs=True)",
    attributes with a default of "None" are now deleted too.  `#523
    <>`_, `#556
    + Fixed "attr.validators.deep_iterable()" and
    "attr.validators.deep_mapping()" type stubs.  `#533
    + "attr.validators.is_callable()" validator now raises an
    exception "attr.exceptions.NotCallableError", a subclass of
    "TypeError", informing the received value.  `#536
    + "@attr.s(auto_exc=True)" now generates classes that are hashable
    by ID, as the documentation always claimed it would.  `#543
    <>`_, `#563
    + Added "attr.validators.matches_re()" that checks string
    attributes whether they match a regular expression.  `#552
    + Keyword-only attributes ("kw_only=True") and attributes that are
    excluded from the "attrs"'s "__init__" ("init=False") now can
    appear before mandatory attributes.  `#559
    + The fake filename for generated methods is now more stable.  It
    won't change when you restart the process.  `#560
    + The value passed to "@attr.ib(repr=?)" can now be either a
    boolean (as before) or a callable.  That callable must return a
    string and is then used for formatting the attribute by the
    generated "__repr__()" method.  `#568
    + Added "attr.__version_info__" that can be used to reliably check
    the version of "attrs" and write forward- and
    backward-compatible code.  Please check out the `section on
    deprecated APIs
    <>`_ on
    how to use it.  `#580

==== python-chardet ====

- Replace %fdupes -s with plain %fdupes; hardlinks are better.

==== python-ecdsa ====
Version update (0.13.2 -> 0.13.3)

- updated to 0.13.3 (bsc#1153165)
  + CVE-2019-14853 DOS atack during signature decoding
  + CVE-2019-14859 signature malleability caused by insufficient checks
    of DER encoding

==== python-jsonschema ====

- Replace %fdupes -s with plain %fdupes; hardlinks are better.

==== python-pyparsing ====

- Do not pull in setuptools dependency at all to avoid cycles

==== python-requests ====

- Add two patches only updating test logic to remove pytest 3 pin
  - merged_pr_5049.patch
  - pr_5251-pytest5.patch

==== python-urllib3 ====

- Require a new enough release of python-six. 1.25.6 needs at least
  1.12.0 for ensure_text() and friends.

==== vim ====
Version update (8.1.2148 -> 8.1.2233)

- Updated to version 8.1.2233, fixes the following problems
- dropped python38-config.patch (upstream merged)
- refreshed  disable-unreliable-tests.patch and vim-8.0.1568-defaults.patch
  * No test for right click extending Visual area.
  * Crash when running out of memory very early.
  * No test for 'ttymouse' set from xterm version response.
  * State test is a bit flaky.
  * Combining text property and syntax highlight is wrong. (Nick Jensen)
  * Quickfix window height wrong when there is a tabline. (Daniel Hahler)
  * In a terminal window 'cursorlineopt' does not work properly.
  * First character after Tab is not highlighted.
  * Libvterm source files missing from distribution.
  * Terminal attributes missing in Terminal-normal mode.
  * Some mappings are listed twice.
  * Cannot build with +syntax but without +terminal.
  * Mapping test fails.
  * Popup resize test is flaky. (Christian Brabandt)
  * Cannot build with +spell but without +syntax.
  * Stuck when using "j" in a popupwin with popup_filter_menu if a line wraps.
  * Rubyeval() not tested as a method.
  * Mapping test fails on MS-Windows.
  * Heredoc assignment not skipped in if block.
  * Terminal flags are never reset.
  * Cannot build without the +termresponse feature.
  * Mouse support not always available.
  * Spell highlight is wrong at start of the line.
  * Searchit() has too many arguments.
  * Screen not recognized as supporting "sgr" mouse codes.
  * Meson files are not recognized.
  * Syntax attributes not combined with Visual highlighting. (Arseny Nasokin)
  * Dart files are not recognized.
  * Accessing uninitialized memory in test.
  * Pressing "q" at the more prompt doesn't stop Python output. (Daniel Hahler)
  * Error E303 is not useful when 'directory' is empty.
  * Highlighting wrong when item follows tab.
  * Test42 seen as binary by git diff.
  * Running a test is a bit verbose.
  * Option context is not copied when splitting a window. (Daniel Hahler)
  * Syntax test fails.
  * Cannot build without the +eval feature.
  * Error for bad regexp even though regexp is not used when writing a
  file. (Arseny Nasokin)
  * Build error for missing define.
  * Syntax highlighting wrong for tab.
  * Syntax test fails on Mac.
  * When using modifyOtherKeys CTRL-X mode may not work.
  * Cannot easily fill the info popup asynchronously.
  * Popup_setoptions(popup_getoptions()) does not work.
  * ModifyOtherKeys is not enabled by default.
  * Vim does not exit when closing a terminal window and it is the last window.
  * ExitPre autocommand may cause accessing freed memory.
  * Crash when using :center in autocommand.
  * Build failure when using normal features without GUI and EXITFREE defined.
  * Crash when memory allocation fails.
  * Cannot build with dynamically linked Python 3.8.
  * Running libvterm tests without the +terminal feature.
  * Crash on exit when closing terminals. (Corey Hickey)
  * Sign entry structure has confusing name.
  * No test for fixed issue #3893.
  * "gn" doesn't work quite right. (Jaehwang Jerry Jung)
  * Unix: Tabs in output might be expanded to spaces.
  * LF in escape codes may be expanded to CR-LF.
  * Using negative offset for popup_create() does not work.
  * Listener callback "added" argument is not the total. (Andy Massimino)
  * Cannot see the selection type in :reg output. (Ayberk Ayd?n)
  * Popup_textprop tests fail.
  * Too much is redrawn when 'cursorline' is set.
  * Unreachable code in adjusting text prop columns.
  * Text property in wrong place after :substitute.
  * Compiler warning for unused variable.
  * "gN" is off by one in Visual mode.
  * No autocommand for open window with terminal.
  * :cfile does not abort like other quickfix commands.
  * Cannot filter :disp output.
  * Accessing invalid memory. (Dominique Pelle)
  * Cannot see what buffer an ml_get error is for.
  * Cannot build Amiga version.
  * The "last used" info of a buffer is under used.
  * Cannot use system copy/paste in non-xterm terminals.
  * Layout wrong if 'lines' changes while cmdline window is open.
  * screenpos() returns wrong values when 'number' is set. (Ben Jackson)
  * Cannot color number column above/below cursor differently.
  * Not easy to move to the middle of a text line.
  * Cannot get the Vim command line arguments.