A font family that extends URW Nimbus Roman.
TeX Gyre Termes is based on the URW Nimbus Roman No9 L family (designed by Stanley Morison together with Starling Burgess and Victor Lardent). Termes serves as a replacement for the standard Times Roman font.
The standard faces have been greatly extended, and contain nearly 1200 glyphs each. The family is available both in Adobe Type 1 and in OpenType formats, and LaTeX support (for use with a variety of encodings) is provided. Vietnamese and Cyrillic characters were added by Han The Thanh and Valek Filippov, respectively.
TeX Gyre Termes is distributed as part of the TeX Gyre collection
See also urw-base35.
The authors are Bogusław Jackowski and Janusz Marian Nowacki.
License: gfsl Version: 2.004 Catalogued: 2009-11-05