% anonchap.sty
% Provides commands to make \chapter typeset like \section
% DO NOT USE WITH THE TOCBIBIND PACKAGE (which also supplies these commands)
% Usage of this package is described after the source code, below.
% Author: Peter Wilson, Herries Press
% Maintainer: Will Robertson (will dot robertson at latex-project dot org)
% Copyright 1996--2000 Peter Wilson
% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License, v1.3c or later.
% The current maintainer of this work is Will Robertson.
% v1.1a - New maintainer (Will Robertson)
\ProvidesPackage{anonchap}[2009/08/03 v1.1a typeset chapter like section]

    {\parindent \z@ \raggedright
     \Huge\bfseries #1\space\thechapter\simplechapterdelim\space
     \vskip 40\p@




% Usage:
% \simplechapter[<name>] and \simplechapterdelim{<delim>} act together
% so that any subsequent \chapter commands, for example \chapter{First}
% ... \chapter{Second}...,
% will be typeset in the style of a \section (or numbered \chapter*) as:
% <name> 1<delim> First
% ...
% <name> 2<delim> Second
% A subsequent \restorechapter command will reset the \chapter typesetting
% back to its default style.
% Note that the argument to \simplechapter is optional, and that by default
% \simplechapterdelim is defined as \newcommand{\simplechapterdelim}{}.
% Extending the above example:
% \simplechapter
% \chapter{First}
% ...
% \renewcommand{\simplechapterdelim}{:}
% \chapter{Second}
% ...
% \restorechapter   % restore before issuing a modified \simplechapter
% \simplechapter[Chap]
% \chapter{Third}
% ...
% \restorechapter
% \chapter{Fourth}
% ...
% Will be typeset as:
% 1 First
% ...
% 2: Second
% ...
% Chap 3: Third
% ...
% Chapter 4
% Fourth
% ...