Documentation for the onrannual LaTeX package. BACKGROUND This class was not developed by ONR, and as such is not an "official" document. The Word template and documentation available from ONR is still the canonical reference. The formatting requirements are fairly simple, but not a great fit for LaTeX's default spacing and sectioning behavior. Formatting is based on the FY09 report guidance provided by ONR at (Sept 2009). It's likely that distribution statement D will need to change year to year, but users should do this manually (i.e., the class won't be updated for such changes). If changes in overall formatting/spacing/sectioning are noted, they should be incorporated into an updated version of the class file. Please notify the maintainer of any inconsistency between the required format and the output of this class. USAGE Usage of the package is demonstrated in the file skeleton.tex included with the class file. For users of the standard LaTeX classes, it should be trivial to use, since only three new commands are provided. REQUIREMENTS A working TeX installation. The class was developed and tested using MacTeX 2009, but any semi-recent TeX Live or MikTeX installation should be fine. If you're using teTeX, you're on your own. PROCESSING Usage of pdflatex is recommended, as it produces PDF directly. However, producing a DVI and then distilling to PDF via dvips or dvipdfm(x) is also supported. Standard usage to process the example .tex file at the UNIX command line: pdflatex skeleton bibtex skeleton pdflatex skeleton pdflatex skeleton This will vary depending on your platform. If you use a GUI front end, you are responsible for figuring out how to process your documents. FONTS The mathptmx package is used to provide Times as the default text font, which provides reasonably compatible math support. LICENSE LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 or (at your option) any later version. See for the latest version. KNOWN BUGS None at this time. Please include a minimal LaTeX file with any bug report. CONTACT This package is maintained by