%%%%%%%%%%%   ALGORITHMS STYLE  %%%%%%%%%%%
% This style defines an environment for algorithms with the following
% features:
% 1) Defines an Theorem like environment (not exactly one) for
%    algorithms called ``algorithm''.
%    \begin{algorithm}{NAME} ... \end{algorithm}
%    NAME is the NAME of the algorithm.
%    Algorithms are numbered using a counter called ``algorithm''.
% 2) Inside this environment, the following commands are defined.
%    \=  Put the small left arrow commonly used for assignment.
%    \invariant{INVARIANT} Use to describe invariants, put its parameter
%                          between ``{}'' in math mode.
%    \begin{Block} ... \end{Block} Environment use to start a indented
%                                  block of instructions \end{Block} put
%                                  an ``end'' to close the block.
%    \nextBlock{SEPARATOR} Inside a Block, it allows to put a separator
%                          of parts of the indented block. Usefull for
%                          constructions like ``IF..THEN..ELSE..END''
%                       i.e. If cond then
%                            \begin{Block}
%                               then part
%                            \nextBlock{else}
%                               else part
%                            \end{Block}
% 3) \Blockindent and \algorithmindent are length that specify the
%    indentention of Blocks and of the algorithm resp.
%   4) Instructions are separated by ``\\'', ``\par'' or by leaving a
%      blank line. Before an ``\end{Block}'' a ``\\'' can't be used.
% Created by Jose Alberto Fernandez R.
% e-mail:    alberto@cs.umd.edu

% Invariants
% Steps environment

% Block environment
% Indentation of the Block
% NextBlock command

% Algorithm environment
% Assign command
% Indentation of the algorithm
% Algorithm definition
\begin{Alg@orithm} #1
\bf end

% Setting default indentation

% End of algorithm.sty