#! /usr/bin/env python # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Convert a macro prototype to a LaTeX \newcommand # By Scott Pakin <scott+nc@pakin.org> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2008 Scott Pakin, scott+nc@pakin.org # # This package may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions # of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this # license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of # this license is in: # # http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt # # and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version # 2006/05/20 or later. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- from spark import GenericScanner, GenericParser, GenericASTTraversal import re import copy class Token: "Represent a single lexed token." def __init__ (self, type, charOffset, attr=None): self.type = type self.attr = attr self.charOffset = charOffset def __cmp__ (self, o): return cmp (self.type, o) class AST: "Represent an abstract syntax tree." def __init__ (self, type, charOffset, attr=None, kids=[]): self.type = type self.charOffset = charOffset self.attr = attr self.kids = kids def __getitem__ (self, child): return self.kids[child] def __len__ (self): return len (self.kids) class CmdScanner (GenericScanner): "Defines a lexer for macro prototypes." def __init__ (self): GenericScanner.__init__ (self) self.charOffset = 0 def tokenize (self, input): self.rv = [] GenericScanner.tokenize (self, input) return self.rv def t_whitespace (self, whiteSpace): r' [\s\r\n]+ ' self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len (whiteSpace) def t_command (self, cmd): r' MACRO ' self.rv.append (Token (type='command', attr=cmd, charOffset=self.charOffset)) self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len (cmd) def t_argument_type (self, arg): r' OPT ' self.rv.append (Token (type='argtype', attr=arg, charOffset=self.charOffset)) self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len (arg) def t_argument (self, arg): r' \#\d ' self.rv.append (Token (type='argument', attr=arg, charOffset=self.charOffset)) self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len (arg) def t_equal (self, equal): r' = ' self.rv.append (Token (type=equal, attr=equal, charOffset=self.charOffset)) self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len (equal) def t_quoted (self, quoted): r' \{[^\}]*\} ' self.rv.append (Token (type='quoted', attr=quoted, charOffset=self.charOffset)) self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len (quoted) def t_identifier (self, ident): r' [A-Za-z]+ ' self.rv.append (Token (type='ident', attr=ident, charOffset=self.charOffset)) self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len (ident) def t_delimiter (self, delim): r' [()\[\]] ' self.rv.append (Token (type='delim', attr=delim, charOffset=self.charOffset)) self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len (delim) def t_other (self, other): r' [^()\[\]\{\}\#\s\r\n]+ ' self.rv.append (Token (type='other', attr=other, charOffset=self.charOffset)) self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len (other) class CmdParser (GenericParser): "Defines a parser for macro prototypes." parseError = "parseError" # Exception def __init__ (self, start='decl'): GenericParser.__init__ (self, start) def error (self, token): raise self.parseError, \ ('"%s" was unexpected' % token.attr, 1+token.charOffset) def p_optarg (self, args): ' optarg ::= argtype delim defvals delim ' return AST (type='optarg', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, attr=[args[1].attr, args[3].attr], kids=args[2]) def p_rawtext (self, args): ' rawtext ::= other ' return AST (type='rawtext', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, attr=args[0].attr) def p_defval (self, args): ' defval ::= argument = quoted ' return AST (type='defval', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, attr=[args[0].attr, args[2].attr]) def p_defvals_1 (self, args): ' defvals ::= defval ' return AST (type='defvals', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, kids=args) def p_defvals_2 (self, args): ''' defvals ::= defvals rawtext defval defvals ::= defvals ident defval defvals ::= defvals quoted defval ''' return AST (type='defvals', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, attr=args[1], kids=[args[0],args[2]]) # Top-level macro argument def p_arg_1 (self, args): ''' arg ::= rawtext arg ::= quoted arg ::= argument ''' return AST (type='arg', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, attr=[args[0].type]+[args[0].attr]) def p_arg_2 (self, args): ' arg ::= optarg ' return AST (type='arg', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, attr=[args[0].type]+[args[0].attr], kids=args[0].kids) def p_arglist_1 (self, args): ''' arglist ::= arg arglist ::= arg arglist ''' return AST (type='arglist', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, kids=args) def p_arglist_2 (self, args): ' arglist ::= ' return AST (type='arglist', charOffset=0) def p_decl (self, args): ' decl ::= command ident arglist ' return AST (type='decl', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, attr=args[:2], kids=args[2]) class CheckAST (GenericASTTraversal): "Performs semantic analysis on an AST." semanticError = "semanticError" # Exception _paramPat = re.compile (r"(#\d)") def __init__ (self, ast): GenericASTTraversal.__init__ (self, ast) self._paramList = [0] # Sentinel, to avoid special first case self.postorder() def _appendParam (self, paramStr, charOffset): """ Checks that a parameter number is correct and either appends it to _paramList if it is or raises an exception if it's not. """ paramNum = int (paramStr) nextParam = self._paramList[-1] + 1 if paramNum != nextParam: raise self.semanticError, \ ('Saw parameter #%s when parameter #%s was expected' % (paramStr, nextParam), 1+charOffset) self._paramList.append (paramNum) def n_defval (self, node): for replArg in map (lambda s: int(s[1]), self._paramPat.findall(node.attr[1])): if replArg > self._paramList[-1]: # The offset will be incorrect if there are spaces around # the "=" sign in the "parameter=quoted" expression. raise self.semanticError, \ ('Parameter #%d was used before being defined' % replArg, 1 + node.charOffset + len(node.attr[1])) self._appendParam (node.attr[0][1], node.charOffset) def n_arg (self, node): if node.attr[0] == "quoted": badParam = self._paramPat.search (node.attr[1]) if badParam: raise self.semanticError, \ ("The formal parameter `%s' should not be quoted" % badParam.group(1), 1 + node.charOffset + badParam.start(1)) elif node.attr[0] == "argument": self._appendParam (node.attr[1][1], node.charOffset) class GenerateLaTeX (GenericASTTraversal): "Generates a LaTeX macro from a given AST." # Map an opening delimiter to a closing delimiter. closingDelim = {"[" : "]", "(" : ")"} def __init__ (self, ast): GenericASTTraversal.__init__ (self, ast) self._funcInfo = [] self._argTypes = [] self.preorder() self.outputLaTeX() def outputLaTeX (self): "Outputs a block of LaTeX code that matches the original prototype." # Determine the number of arguments that LaTeX's \newcommand # can handle by itself. argTypes = self._argTypes newcommandArgs = 0 defaultArgs = 0 def simpleNextArg (arg): "Says whether a given argument can follow \newcommand arguments." return arg=="argument" or \ arg=="optarg" or \ arg=="optarg_simple" trivial = not argTypes if argTypes and argTypes[0]=="optarg_simple" and \ (len(argTypes)==2 or simpleNextArg(argTypes[2])): newcommandArgs = 1 defaultArgs = 1 argTypes.pop (0) simple_optarg = argTypes.pop (0) while argTypes and argTypes[0]=="argument" and \ (len(argTypes)==1 or simpleNextArg(argTypes[1])): newcommandArgs = newcommandArgs + 1 argTypes.pop (0) # Determine if we need to insert \makeatletter and \makeatother. funcInfo = self._funcInfo[defaultArgs:] atSigns = len (filter (lambda f: f and "@" in f, map (lambda f: f["body"], funcInfo))) if atSigns > 0: print "\\makeatletter" # Peel off the first newcommandArgs entries, and let LaTeX # deal with those within the \newcommand. newcommand = "\\newcommand{\\%s}" % self._funcInfo[0]["name"] if newcommandArgs > 0: newcommand = newcommand + "[%d]" % newcommandArgs if defaultArgs == 1: newcommand = newcommand + "[%s]" % simple_optarg print "%s{%%" % newcommand suppressDef = 1 elif trivial: print "%s{%%" % newcommand suppressDef = 1 else: suppressDef = 0 # Handle the remaining arguments the hard way. funcInfo = self._funcInfo[defaultArgs:] for func in funcInfo: if suppressDef: suppressDef = 0 else: print "\\def\\%s%s{%%" % (func["name"], func["args"]) if func["body"]: print " %s%%%s" % (func["body"], func["close"]) else: print " % Put your code here." print "}" if atSigns > 0: print "\\makeatother" def _nextMacroName (self): """ Returns a LaTeX macro name based on the size and first element of _funcInfo. """ return self._funcInfo[0]["name"] + "@" + \ ["i", "ii", "iii", "iv", "v", "vi", "vii", "viii", "ix", "x"][len (self._funcInfo) - 1] class DefvalsArguments (GenericASTTraversal): """ Returns the formal or actual arguments of a defvals. In either case, quoted and rawtext parameters are included, too. """ def __init__ (self, ast): GenericASTTraversal.__init__ (self, ast) self.formalsList = [] self.actualsList = [] self.postorder() def n_defval (self, node): self.formalsList.append (node.attr[0]) self.actualsList.append (node.attr[1][1:-1]) def n_defvals (self, node): if node.attr != None: penultimate = len (self.formalsList) - 1 self.formalsList.insert (penultimate, node.attr.attr) self.actualsList.insert (penultimate, node.attr.attr) def n_arg (self, node): "Specify a new function based on each argument." # Store the type, making a special case for simple optargs. if node.attr[0] == "optarg": lDelim, rDelim = node.attr[1] if lDelim=="[" and rDelim=="]" and len(node.kids)==1: self._argTypes.extend (["optarg_simple", node.kids[0].attr[1][1:-1]]) else: self._argTypes.append (node.attr[0]) else: self._argTypes.append (node.attr[0]) # Append optional arguments to _funcInfo and modify old # entries in _funcInfo based on required arguments. if node.attr[0] == "optarg": macroName = self._nextMacroName() prevInfo = self._funcInfo[-1] defvalsArguments = self.DefvalsArguments (node.kids) lDelim, rDelim = node.attr[1] defaultArgs = lDelim + \ reduce (lambda x,y: x+y, defvalsArguments.actualsList) + \ rDelim prevInfo["body"] = "\\@ifnextchar%s{\\%s%s}{\\%s%s%s}" % \ (lDelim, macroName, prevInfo["curlyargs"], macroName, prevInfo["curlyargs"], defaultArgs) try: prevInfo["close"] = self.closingDelim[lDelim] except KeyError: prevInfo["close"] = "" formalArgs = prevInfo["args"] + lDelim + \ reduce (lambda x,y: x+y, defvalsArguments.formalsList) + \ rDelim curlyArgs = prevInfo["curlyargs"] + lDelim + \ reduce (lambda x,y: x+y, defvalsArguments.formalsList) + \ rDelim self._funcInfo.append ({"name": macroName, "body": None, "close": prevInfo["close"], "args": formalArgs, "curlyargs": curlyArgs}) elif node.attr[0] in ["argument", "rawtext"]: self._funcInfo[-1]["args"] = self._funcInfo[-1]["args"] + node.attr[1] self._funcInfo[-1]["curlyargs"] = self._funcInfo[-1]["curlyargs"] + "{" + node.attr[1] + "}" elif node.attr[0] == "quoted": self._funcInfo[-1]["args"] = self._funcInfo[-1]["args"] + node.attr[1][1:-1] self._funcInfo[-1]["curlyargs"] = self._funcInfo[-1]["curlyargs"] + node.attr[1][1:-1] def n_decl (self, node): "Prepares the top-level LaTeX macro." self._funcInfo = [{"name": node.attr[1].attr, "args": "", "curlyargs": "", "close": "", "body": None}] # The buck starts here. if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import string def processLine(): "Parses the current value of oneLine." global oneLine try: sys.stdout.softspace = 0 # Cancel the %$#@! space. oneLine = string.strip (oneLine) if oneLine=="" or oneLine[0]=="%": return if not isStdin: print prompt, oneLine scanner = CmdScanner() parser = CmdParser() tokens = scanner.tokenize (oneLine) ast = parser.parse (tokens) CheckAST (ast) GenerateLaTeX (ast) except CmdParser.parseError, (message, pos): sys.stderr.write ((" "*(len(prompt)+pos)) + "^\n") sys.stderr.write ("%s: %s.\n" % (sys.argv[0], message)) except CheckAST.semanticError, (message, pos): sys.stderr.write ((" "*(len(prompt)+pos)) + "^\n") sys.stderr.write ("%s: %s.\n" % (sys.argv[0], message)) if isStdin: print "" prompt = "% Prototype:" if len (sys.argv) <= 1: isStdin = 1 print prompt + " ", while 1: oneLine = sys.stdin.readline() if not oneLine: break processLine() print prompt + " ", else: isStdin = 0 oneLine = string.join (sys.argv[1:]) processLine()