#ifndef FORBID__H
#define FORBID__H

** tr2latex - troff to LaTeX converter
** COPYRIGHT (C) 1987 Kamal Al-Yahya, 1991,1992 Christian Engel
** Module: forbid.h
** This file contains TeX commands that cannot be re-defined.
** Re-defining them is not permitted by TeX (or they may produce
** unpredictable consequences).
** If the troff user happens to re-define one of these, it will be replaced.
** This list is extracted from the starred entries in the index of the TeXBook.
** They are entered here in alphabetical order.
** If the macro has non-alphabetical characters, it will be trapped
** somewhere else; it needn't be put here.
** This list is added to make the program more robust.
** Note that the backslash is omitted.

const char *forbid[] =
"atop",     "char",    "copy",     "count",    "cr",      "crcr",
"day",      "def",     "divide",   "dp",       "dump",    "edef",
"else",     "end",     "eqno",     "fam",      "fi",      "font",
"gdef",     "global",  "halign",   "hbox",     "hfil",    "hfill",
"hfuzz",    "hoffset", "hrule",    "hsize",    "hskip",   "hss",
"ht",       "if",      "ifcase",   "ifcat",    "ifnum",   "ifodd",
"iftrue",   "ifx",     "indent",   "input",    "insert",  "kern",
"left",     "leqno",   "let",      "limits",   "long",    "lower",
"mag",      "mark",    "mkern",    "month",    "mskip",   "multiply",
"muskip",   "omit",    "or",       "outer",    "output",  "over",
"overline", "par",     "raise",    "read",     "right",   "show",
"span",     "special", "string",   "the",      "time",    "toks",
"topmark",  "topskip", "unkern",   "unskip",   "vbox",    "vfil",
"vfill",    "vfuzz",   "voffset",  "vrule",    "vsize",   "vskip",
"vsplit",   "vss",     "vtop",     "wd",       "write",   "xdef"
