#ifndef MATHS__H
#define MATHS__H

** tr2latex - troff to LaTeX converter
** COPYRIGHT (C) 1987 Kamal Al-Yahya, 1991,1992 Christian Engel
** Module: maths.h
** This file contains a list of the words that have simple
** correspondence in the two languages.
** Do not put here words that require action (like sub).
** If the word is identical in the two languages (except for TeX's backslash),
** put it in simil.h

struct math_equiv {
	const char *troff_symb, *tex_symb;
} math[] = {
/*	troff name		TeX name		*/

	{ "~",			"\\ " },
	{ "^",			"\\," },
	{ "above",		"\\cr" },
	{ "ccol",		"\\matrix" },
	{ "cpile",		"\\matrix" },
	{ "fat",		"" },
	{ "grad",		"\\nabla" },
	{ "half",		"{1\\over 2}" },
	{ "inf",		"\\infty" },
	{ "inter",		"\\cap" },
	{ "lcol",		"\\matrix" },
	{ "lineup",		"" },
	{ "lpile",		"\\matrix" },
	{ "mark",		"" },
	{ "nothing",		"" },
	{ "pile",		"\\matrix" },
	{ "rcol",		"\\matrix" },
	{ "rpile",		"\\matrix" },
	{ "union",		"\\cup" }
