Package: aegis Version: 4.2 Revision: 12 Source: #TODO: need CustomMirror for retrieving old versions Depends: fhist BuildDepends: gettext-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools Suggests: cook # ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --sharedstatedir=%p/var/aegis Patch: %n.patch InstallScript: << make RPM_BUILD_ROOT=%d install << DocFiles: README* BUILDING LICENSE # Description: Software configuration management system DescDetail: << Aegis is a transaction-based software configuration management system. It provides a framework within which a team of developers may work on many changes to a program independently, and Aegis coordinates integrating these changes back into the master source of the program, with as little disruption as possible. For more information, see << DescUsage: << Aegis provides shell initialization scripts to set up common command aliases. Links are installed in %p/etc/profile.d so that fink will automatically source the appropriate script for your shell. Aegis also provides a web-based interface. To enable it, copy the aegis.cgi script from %p/share/aegis/cgi-bin/aegis.cgi to /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/. << DescPort: << In its default configuration, aegis expects to be installed as the user bin, group sys. These entities do not exist on OS X by default. The configure script is patched to pass root/wheel to the Makefile instead. The Makefile explicitly sets the owner/group of the aegis library and shared files. In combination, this results in the aegis trees (under fink) having files owned by root/wheel instead of root/admin. Note: Setting the group to admin will not work due to aegis' security checks, which enforce that the uid/gid of the user/group that owns the system state files (in %p/var/aegis) is less than the uid/gid of the repository and checked-out aegis projects. There are minor link warnings when compiling aegis because libaegis/lock.c defines a function (lock_release), which conflicts with a system function (lock_release) declared in /usr/include/mach/lock_set.h. The system function is included because libm.dylib is a link to the OS X libSystem.dylib. The conflict causes a link warning, but ld makes the correct choice in resolution. << License: GPL Maintainer: David Bacher Source-MD5: 041fd437740e5192b926b7b5e479eea4