Package: p4 Version: 2002.2 Revision: 1 Source: Source-MD5: 02b45ab32bb066e7cea0e0fc7709915a NoSourceDirectory: true CompileScript: echo "No compile needed" InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh install -d %i/bin/ install p4 %i/bin/p4 echo "Licensing: You may use software downloaded from Perforce for any purpose \ you want and for as long as you like. The Perforce Server supports only two \ users and two client workspaces unless used with a Perforce License." >> LICENSE << DocFiles: LICENSE Description: Perforce SCM System DescDetail: << The Perforce Command-Line Client (P4) is a small, self-contained Perforce client program that offers access to all Perforce SCM (software configuration management) features through a command line. It can be used in command shells and scripts, and is the ideal interface for automated processes that perform SCM tasks. Note: BINARY ONLY << DescPackaging: Available only as a binary. License: Commercial Maintainer: Jesse Rosenstock <> Homepage: