--- ddskk-12.2.0.orig/fink/ddskk-install	Thu Mar 11 18:50:11 2004
+++ ddskk-12.2.0/fink/ddskk-install	Thu Mar 11 18:16:51 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+# <PREFIX>/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/ddskk
+# Written by Jim Van Zandt <jrv@vanzandt.mv.com>, borrowing heavily
+# from the install scripts for gettext by Santiago Vila
+# <sanvila@ctv.es> and octave by Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>.
+if [ ${FLAVOR} = emacs -o ${FLAVOR} = emacs19 ]; then exit 0; fi
+## Checking MULE supported XEmacs. -------------------------------------
+if [ ${FLAVOR} = "xemacs20" -o ${FLAVOR} = "xemacs21" ]; then
+    CHECKMULE=`${FLAVOR} -batch -vanilla -eval "(if (featurep 'mule)(message \"MULE\"))" 2>&1`
+    if [ "${CHECKMULE}" != "MULE" ]; then exit 0; fi
+echo install/${PACKAGE}: Handling install for emacsen flavor ${FLAVOR}
+#FLAVORTEST=`echo $FLAVOR | cut -c-6`
+#if [ ${FLAVORTEST} = xemacs ] ; then
+#    SITEFLAG="-no-site-file"
+#    SITEFLAG="--no-site-file"
+FLAGS="${SITEFLAG} -q -batch -l path.el"
+# Install-info-altdir does not actually exist. 
+# Maybe somebody will write it.
+if test -x <PREFIX>/sbin/install-info-altdir; then
+    echo install/${PACKAGE}: install Info links for ${FLAVOR}
+    install-info-altdir --quiet --section "Emacs" "Skk" --dirname=${FLAVOR} <PREFIX>/share/info/skk.info.gz
+install -m 755 -d ${ELCDIR}
+cd ${ELDIR}
+FILES=`echo *`
+cp -r ${FILES} ${ELCDIR}
+cd ${ELCDIR}
+cat << EOF > path.el
+(setq load-path (cons "." load-path) byte-compile-warnings nil)
+${FLAVOR} ${FLAGS} -l SKK-MK -f SKK-MK-generate-autoloads-el >CompilationLog 2>&1
+sed '/^;;; `load-path/,/^$/s/^/;/' skk-setup.el.in >skk-setup.el
+mv -f leim-list.el.in leim-list.el
+${FLAVOR} ${FLAGS} -f batch-byte-compile skk-setup.el >>CompilationLog 2>&1
+${FLAVOR} ${FLAGS} -l SKK-MK -f SKK-MK-compile NONE NONE NONE >>CompilationLog 2>&1
+cd nicola
+${FLAVOR} ${FLAGS} -l NICOLA-DDSKK-ELS -l NICOLA-DDSKK-MK -f nicola-ddskk-generate-autoloads >>../CompilationLog 2>&1
+${FLAVOR} ${FLAGS} -f batch-byte-compile nicola-ddskk-autoloads.el >>../CompilationLog 2>&1
+${FLAVOR} ${FLAGS} -l NICOLA-DDSKK-MK -f compile-nicola-ddskk NONE NONE NONE >>../CompilationLog 2>&1
+rm -f NICOLA-* *.el
+cd ..
+rm -rf SKK-* *.el *.in tut-code
+gzip -9qf CompilationLog
+exit 0
--- ddskk-12.2.0.orig/fink/ddskk-remove	Thu Mar 11 18:50:11 2004
+++ ddskk-12.2.0/fink/ddskk-remove	Thu Mar 11 18:16:03 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# <PREFIX>/lib/emacsen-common/packages/remove/ddskk
+if [ ${FLAVOR} != emacs -a ${FLAVOR} != emacs19 ]; then
+    if test -x <PREFIX>/sbin/install-info-altdir; then
+        echo remove/${PACKAGE}: removing Info links for ${FLAVOR}
+        install-info-altdir --quiet --remove --dirname=${FLAVOR} <PREFIX>/share/info/skk.info.gz
+    fi
+    echo remove/${PACKAGE}: purging byte-compiled files for ${FLAVOR}
+    rm -rf <PREFIX>/share/${FLAVOR}/site-lisp/${PACKAGE}
--- ddskk-12.2.0.orig/fink/ddskk-startup	Thu Mar 11 18:50:11 2004
+++ ddskk-12.2.0/fink/ddskk-startup	Thu Mar 11 18:45:31 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+;; -*-emacs-lisp-*-
+;; Emacs startup file for the Debian GNU/Linux ddskk package
+;; Originally contributed by Nils Naumann <naumann@unileoben.ac.at>
+;; Modified by Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>
+;; Adapted for dh-make by Jim Van Zandt <jrv@vanzandt.mv.com>
+;; The ddskk package follows the Debian/GNU Linux 'emacsen' policy and
+;; byte-compiles its elisp files for each 'emacs flavor' (emacs19,
+;; xemacs19, emacs20, xemacs20...).  The compiled code is then
+;; installed in a subdirectory of the respective site-lisp directory.
+;; We have to add this to the load-path:
+(or (eq fink-emacs-flavor 'emacs19)
+    (let ((skkpath
+           (list (concat "<PREFIX>/share/" (symbol-name fink-emacs-flavor) "/site-lisp/ddskk")
+                 (concat "<PREFIX>/share/" (symbol-name fink-emacs-flavor) "/site-lisp/ddskk/nicola"))))
+      (setq load-path (append load-path skkpath))
+      (require 'skk-setup)
+      (and (featurep 'xemacs)
+           (load (concat (car skkpath) "/skk-autoloads.elc"))) ; Why needed?
+      (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook
+                (function (lambda ()
+                            (and (boundp 'skk-henkan-okuri-strictly)
+                                 skk-henkan-okuri-strictly
+                                 (not (eq last-command 'skk-purge-jisyo))
+                                 (put 'skk-henkan-okuri-strictly 'temporary-nil t)
+                                 (setq skk-henkan-okuri-strictly nil)))))
+      (add-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook
+                (function (lambda ()
+                            (and (get 'skk-henkan-okuri-strictly 'temporary-nil)
+                                 (setq skk-henkan-okuri-strictly t)
+                                 (put 'skk-henkan-okuri-strictly 'temporary-nil nil)))))
+      (setq skk-server-host (or (getenv "SKKSERVER") "localhost"))))
+      (if (file-exists-p "<PREFIX>/share/ddskk/SKK-JISYO.L") 
+           (setq skk-large-jisyo "<PREFIX>/share/ddskk/SKK-JISYO.L")
+        )

--- ddskk-12.2.0.orig/skk-vars.el	Fri Jul 18 21:50:53 2003
+++ ddskk-12.2.0/skk-vars.el	Fri Mar 12 19:27:39 2004
@@ -2126,7 +2126,7 @@
   (cond ((eq skk-emacs-type 'xemacs)
 	 (locate-data-file "SKK.tut"))
-	 "/usr/local/share/skk/SKK.tut"))
+	 "<PREFIX>/share/ddskk/SKK.tut"))
   "*SKK $B%A%e!<%H%j%"%k$N%U%!%$%kL>!#(B
 The English version is SKK.tut.E."
   :type 'file