Package: cmine Version: 0.0 Revision: 12 Source: Source-MD5: c26a3990bee817595f0543a9c0945dc8 Patch: %f.patch Depends: passwd BuildDepends: ncurses-dev (>= 5.3-12) GCC: 3.3 CompileScript: << cc -I%p/include -L%p/lib -lncurses -DPATH_SCOREFILE=\"%p/var/games/cmine.scores\" *.c -o cmine strip %n << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/man/man6 mkdir -p %i/share/%n mkdir -p %i/bin/ mkdir -p %i/var/games/ cp %n.6 %i/share/man/man6/ cp %n %i/bin/ chown -R games:games %i/bin/%n chmod 2101 %i/bin/%n head -35 cmine.c >> %i/share/%n/LICENSE << Description: Text-based minesweeper game DescUsage: << See manpage for keys and how to play. << DescPackaging: << Needs passwd for games uid. cmine itself is public domain, however the patched in strlcat() routine is OSI-Approved. << License: OSI-Approved Maintainer: Ben Hines Homepage: