Package: corewars Version: 0.9.13 Revision: 1 Description: Assembler simulation game License: GPL DescDetail: << Corewars is a simulation game where a number of warriors try to crash each other while they are running in a virtual computer. The warriors can be written in one of two assembler-like languages called Corewars and Redcode. Corewars is the default language and is easier to learn and understand. Redcode provides more advanced and powerful instructions but also requires more time to learn. << DescUsage: << Some people reported that the "Load Directory" menu takes more than one minute before it opens the dialog box. In case you wonder, corewars does not hang. << Homepage: Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 0a0b8067533b83a96488109ee265f664 Maintainer: Andreas Krennmair Depends: gtk+-shlibs, glib-shlibs, dlcompat-shlibs, gettext, x11 BuildDepends: gtk+, glib, dlcompat-dev, x11-dev DocFiles: COPYING README ChangeLog Patch: %f.patch ConfigureParams: --prefix=%p --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' CompileScript: << ./configure %c make << InstallScript: << make prefix=%i install <<