Package: fortune-mod Version: 9708 Revision: 3 Source: mirror:debian:pool/main/f/%n/%n_%v.orig.tar.gz Source2: mirror:debian:pool/main/f/%n/%n_%v-26.diff.gz # cannot do do the following because other %r of this %v already have # that tarball name and it's a different file #SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.gz #SourceDirectory: %n-%v.orig Source-MD5: 21f284ae4f19e77373abdd5694907de5 Source2-MD5: f0a6b513830c23096df09046f2e9f5e9 PatchScript: gunzip ../%n_%v-26.diff.gz; patch -p1 < ../%n_%v-26.diff CompileScript: << make FORTDIR=%p/bin COOKIEDIR=%p/share/fortunes BINDIR=%p/bin CC=cc REGEXDEFS='-DHAVE_REGEX_H -DPOSIX_REGEX' LDFLAGS=-prebind << InstallScript: << make FORTDIR=%i/bin COOKIEDIR=%i/share/fortunes BINDIR=%i/bin BINMANDIR=%i/share/man/man1 FORTMANDIR=%i/share/man/man6 install rm fortune/; make install-fman COOKIEDIR=%p/share/fortunes FORTMANDIR=%i/share/man/man6 << DocFiles: ChangeLog cookie-files Notes Offensive README debian/copyright Description: Database of witticisms License: BSD Maintainer: Carsten Klapp DescPort: prebind executable, only Apple dylibs used. DescPackaging: << - Previously package maintained by Matthias Neeracher - Corrected fink paths in man file (convoluted Makefile, argh!) - Applied Debian's patch for unicode & LANG env var. <<