Package: nethack Version: 3.4.2 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Matthias Neeracher BuildDepends: gettext-dev, libjpeg, libpng3, libtiff, netpbm, audiofile, esound, glib, gtk+, orbit-dev, giflib, imlib, gnome-libs-dev, dlcompat-dev, libgnugetopt Depends: gnome-libs, passwd (>= 20011007-1), libgnugetopt-shlibs, audiofile-shlibs, esound-shlibs, giflib-shlibs, imlib-shlibs, dlcompat-shlibs Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-342.tgz Source-MD5: 90e971dbaee2f05f6a2ed3454851903a SourceDirectory: %n-%v PatchScript: sed 's:@PREFIX@:%p:g' <%a/%n.patch | patch -p1 CompileScript: << (cd sys/unix; sh ./ make GAMEDIR=%p/lib/nethack HACKDIR=%p/lib/nethack << InstallScript: << make HACKDIR=%p/lib/nethack GAMEDIR=%i/lib/nethack SHELLDIR=%i/bin install mkdir -p %i/share/man/man6 cd doc; make MANDIR=%i/share/man/man6 manpages << DocFiles: doc/*.txt dat/license Description: Console/X11 based graphical adventure game DescPort: << The nethack configuration system is horrible (maybe deliberately so), so this package requires extensive patches to the makefiles. << License: GPL Homepage: