Package: tads Version: 2.5.7 Revision: 2 Maintainer: Alexander Strange Source: SourceDirectory: tads/tads2 Source-MD5: 33a54946f42f2a8cf5d5189794351e6c SourceRename: tads23-unix-%v.tar.gz GCC: 3.3 PatchScript: sed 's:@PREFIX@:%p:g' <%a/%n.patch | patch -p1 CompileScript: make InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin cp tadsr tadsc tdb %i/bin ./tadsc -ds2 testux.t ./tadsc -ds2 tests/BUGS.T mkdir -p %i/include cp adv.t std.t %i/include << DocFiles: portnote.txt readtads.src tests/bugs.t testux.t tadserr.msg tadsver.htm tadsver.uni Description: Interactive fiction runtime + compiler DescPort: << TADS's configuration system is badly done. The makefile is patched to enable the Darwin rules and to use Fink's ncurses instead of libSystem. << License: Restrictive/Distributable Homepage: