Package: warp Version: 2002.03.12 Revision: 11 Description: Classic space-war game Source: SourceDirectory: warp7 License: Artistic DocFiles: README # # Need to get games uid # Depends: passwd InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1 make bin="%i/bin/" privlib="%i/lib/warp/" mansrc="%i/share/man/man1/" install << #GCC: 3.1 CompileScript: << ./configure %c make CC=gcc3 << DescUsage: << - Running Warp - 1) Start and set the window to 80 columns by 24 lines. 2) Type `warp', (without the quotes) followed by a carriage return. 3) Follow the instructions! - If you get complaints like `getwd: cannot open ..' when starting warp - warp runs setuid in order to protect the high-score file and needs r-x permission on the directory chain leading to the directory from which you issue the warp command, so you need at least 550 or 555 permission on all ancestors of the directory from which you run warp. It will probably start without complaint from either the root directory or your HOME directory. << DescPort: << Minor changes to use modern termios routines and to support operation on local windows (i.e. no serial port delays for timing!). << Maintainer: Eric Norum Source-MD5: db25e4cce521a9f90731f9e34902c573