Package: xkobo Version: 1.11+w01 Revision: 1 Depends: x11 BuildDepends: passwd, x11-dev Source: Source-MD5: ff5365868ef825e34eb2504c0ed7a58f Patch: %f.patch CompileScript: << xmkmf -a make xkobo DESTDIR=%p SHAREDIR=/share << InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d BINDIR=%p/bin MANPATH=%p/share/man SHAREDIR=%p/share mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1/ install -c %i/share/man/man1/xkobo.1 strip %i/bin/xkobo chgrp games %i/bin/xkobo chmod 2555 %i/bin/xkobo chgrp games %i/share/xkobo-scores/ chmod 2775 %i/share/xkobo-scores/ << DocFiles: README COPYING CHANGES Description: The fun and exciting spaceship game DescDetail: << xkobo is a simple, but addictive little game. It has space ships and shooting and all kinds of fun things. << DescPort: << This is a straight compile of xkobo. No options. << Maintainer: Rob Braun Homepage: License: GPL