Package: xscorch Version: 0.1.15 Revision: 13 GCC: 3.3 Maintainer: Alexander Strange BuildDepends: libjpeg, libpng3, libtiff, audiofile, esound, glib, orbit-dev, giflib, imlib, gnome-libs-dev, dlcompat-dev, gettext-dev Depends: gtk+, gnome-libs, libmikmod Source: Source-MD5: 6bea7bfae61355cfedf2c673411bbe33 UpdateLibtool: yes Patch: %n.patch ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --enable-opt --disable-warn SetCPPFlags: -no-cpp-precomp SetCFlags: -no-cpp-precomp -fexpensive-optimizations InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: doc/AI doc/NOTES doc/NETWORK doc/xscorch.txt AUTHORS COPYING INSTALL NEWS README TODO Description: Scorched Earth - "the mother of all games" DescDetail:<< This is the *nix clone of Scorched Earth, a classic tank game. Some weapons have not been added yet. << Homepage: License: GPL