Package: bmp2png Version: 1.54 Revision: 1 Homepage: Source: #Source: mirror:sourceforge:pmt/ Source-MD5: 564d2103b53f1225a3af21571ea9c94f SourceDirectory: . BuildDepends: libpng3, unzip Depends: libpng3-shlibs Suggests: pngcrush, gif2png, tiff2png CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh cd %b/%n make -f makefile.dj2 CFLAGS='-O3 -Wall -pedantic -mdynamic-no-pic \ -I%p/include -prebind' PINC=%p/include PLIB=%p/lib \ ZINC=/usr/include ZLIB=/usr/lib head -n 15 common.h > ../LICENSE << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh mkdir -p %i/bin cd %b/%n install -m 755 %n.exe %i/bin/%n install -m 755 png2bmp.exe %i/bin/png2bmp << DocFiles: README LICENSE Description: BMP to PNG graphics file conversion DescDetail: << bmp2png and png2bmp are a pair of simple command-line utilities by MIYASAKA Masaru to convert files from the obsolete and bloated Windows Bitmap format (BMP) to the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format, an open W3C standard. - bmp2png: conversion from (Windows or OS/2 style) BMP to PNG - png2bmp: conversion from PNG to (Windows style) BMP << License: OSI-Approved DescPort: << Makefile for DJGPP V.2 almost works as-is for Mac OS X; cool! Ignore the "ld: warning multiple definitions of symbol _inflateReset", program works fine anyway. << Maintainer: Carsten Klapp