Package: lightlab Version: 0.3 Revision: 2 Depends: gtk+,gdk-pixbuf-shlibs,gnome-libs-shlibs,glut-shlibs BuildDepends: gdk-pixbuf,gnome-libs-dev,glut, imlib, esound, dlcompat-dev, gettext-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools Source: Source-MD5: 0639d97b2a77c92968de4f7618f0da65 ConfigureParams: --mandir=%i/share/man UpdateConfigGuess: true InstallScript:<< mkdir -p %i/bin mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1 make install prefix=%i << DocFiles: README Description: Demo program to experiment with OpenGL lighting DescDetail: << Lightlab is a hybrid GTK/OpenGL program for experimenting with the OpenGL lighting model. This program lets you set the colors and positions of three GTK light sources, and watch the effect that has on a simple 3D scene. You can select whether the scene contains a rotating cube, sphere, or teapot, and whether that object has a texture image on its surface. << License: BSD Maintainer: Matthias Neeracher Homepage: