Package: pdflib Version: 4.0.3 Revision: 7 Source: Source-MD5: 1b9e0d16f3e695902301aa26b6e92513 Patch: %f.patch Depends: libpng3-shlibs (>= 1.2.5-3), libtiff-shlibs, dlcompat BuildDepends: libpng3 (>= 1.2.5-3), libtiff, dlcompat-dev, gcc2 SetCC: gcc2 ConfigureParams: --with-pnglib --with-tifflib --with-zlib --disable-shared DocFiles: readme.txt doc/*pdf doc/*txt Description: Library for generating PDF DescDetail: << PDFlib is a development tool for PDF-enabling your software, or generating PDF on your server. << DescPort: << Uses patched configure from pdflib web site. Force use of gcc2 - gcc3 compiles fine, but results in segfault when used with grace. We now build only a static library and no shared library. The license of this package wouldn't allow us to distribute the shared library, but does allow us to link the static library into other programs and then distribute those other programs. << License: Restrictive Maintainer: Jeffrey Whitaker <> Homepage: