Package: f2py-py23 Version: 2.32.225-1419 Revision: 11 GCC: 3.3 Description: Fortran to Python Interface Generator DescDetail: << The Fortran to Python Interface Generator, or F2PY for short, is a command line tool (f2py) for generating Python C/API modules for wrapping Fortran 77/90/95 subroutines, accessing common blocks from Python, and calling Python functions from Fortran (call-backs). Interfacing subroutines/data from Fortran 90/95 modules is supported. << Source: BuildDepends: db3 (>= 3.3.11-23), readline (>= 4.3-15), gdbm, gmp, expat, tcltk-dev, dlcompat-dev Depends: python23 | python23-nox, numeric-py23, g77 Replaces: f2py Provides: f2py Conflicts: scipy (<= 20021007) CompileScript: python2.3 build InstallScript: << python2.3 install --prefix=%i mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n cp -R docs/ %i/share/doc/%n << License: LGPL Homepage: Maintainer: Jeffrey Whitaker Source-MD5: 4c46443d36cb199a9c2ffe29e3b17d77