Package: intercal-threaded Version: 0.7 Revision: 3 SetCPPFlags: -no-cpp-precomp SourceDirectory: threaded_intercal PatchScript: sed -e 's:@INST_PREFIX@:%i:g' -e 's:@REAL_PREFIX@:%p:g' <%a/%f.patch | patch -p1 CompileScript: (cd src;make all CC=gcc3) Source: Source-MD5: 926c5383f055fa2c4a0a529d17084528 InstallScript: << mkdir %i/bin mkdir %i/lib mkdir %i/include (cd src;make install) ln -s %p/bin/thick %i/bin/ick (cd doc;make mkdir -p %i/share/doc/intercal-threaded cp -R pit %i/share/doc/intercal-threaded << Maintainer: Alexander Strange Description: Implemenation of INTERCAL with thread support DescPort: << Requires patches to the Makefile to install in the right place. The manual is in Postscript format and is in share/doc/intercal-threaded/ << DescPackaging: << Links 'thick' to 'ick' in the bin/ directory for backwards compatibility. << DescDetail: << An implementation of the language INTERCAL, legendary for its perversity and horribleness. This version adds COME FROM and multithreading for extra flavor. Comes with language manual and examples including possibly the entire extant body of INTERCAL code. << License: GPL Homepage: DocFiles: BUGS MANIFEST NEWS READ.ME.thick COPYING READ.ME doc/