Package: pfe-nodocs Version: 0.32.94 Revision: 11 BuildDepends: dlcompat-dev, ncurses-dev (>= 5.3-12) Depends: dlcompat-shlibs, ncurses (>= 5.3-12), ncurses-shlibs (>= 5.3-12) GCC: 3.3 Source: mirror:sourceforge:pfe/pfe-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: bdc666bf88d2aa407e35611af893a55c Patch: %f.patch SetCC: gcc2 SetCPPFlags: -no-cpp-precomp InstallScript: << make install-strip prefix=%i << DocFiles: README COPYING.LIB ChangeLog INSTALL TODO Description: Portable Forth Environment DescDetail: << The Portable Forth Environment (PFE) is based on the ANSI Standard for Forth. The PFE has been created by Dirk-Uwe Zoller and had been maintained up to the 0.9.x versions (1993-1995). Tektronix has adopted the PFE package in 1998 and made a number of extensions. It is now fully multithreaded and it features a module system. You can load additional C objects at runtime to extend the Forth dictionary. It is best targeted for embedded environments since you can easily exchange the terminal driver and the initilization routines. << License: LGPL Homepage: Maintainer: Jorge Acereda