Package: pyfort Version: 8.2 Revision: 2 Description: Python-Fortran connection tool DescDetail: << Pyfort is a tool for creating extensions to the Python language with Fortran routines. It supports F77-interfaced routines now, with plans for supporting more of F90 later. << Source: mirror:sourceforge:pyfortran/Pyfort-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 13e7eb1cbcc20f27f6d291757f63f236 Patch: %f.patch BuildDepends: dlcompat-dev Depends: python (>= 2.2.1-8), numeric, tcltk, g77 (>= 3.1-20020420-1) SourceDirectory: Pyfort-%v CompileScript: python build InstallScript: << python install --prefix=%i mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n cp -R test testc demo %i/share/doc/%n << DescPort: patch to make g77 default compiler. DocFiles: README Legal.htm License: OSI-Approved Homepage: Maintainer: Jeffrey Whitaker