Package: pyobjc-py22 Version: 1.0b1 Revision: 1 Source: mirror:sourceforge:pyobjc/pyobjc-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 707f9f524f8353e342ae1ca8ed09ec94 BuildDepends: dlcompat-dev Depends: python22 | python22-nox Replaces: pyobjc Conflicts: pyobjc-py23 CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh cd %b python2.2 build << InstallScript: << python2.2 install --prefix=%i mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n cp -pR Doc Examples MPCompat "ProjectBuilder Extras" Scripts %i/share/doc/%n << DocFiles: ChangeLog HISTORIC.txt Install.html Install.txt License.txt NEWS PKG-INFO ReadMe.html README.txt Description: Python<->ObjC Interoperability Module DescDetail: << The PyObjC package provides the glue needed to interface the Python interpreter with the Objective-C language. The 'objc' module makes Objective-C objects and classes available as first-class Python citizens, it is not only possible to use Objective-C objects but you can also subclass Objective-C classes. << DescPort: << Originally ported by Michel Alexandre Salim << License: BSD Homepage: Maintainer: Kaben Nanlohy