Package: smlnj-burg
Version: 110.42
Revision: 1
Description: Code generator generator for Standard ML
License: BSD
Maintainer: Christopher League <>
Depends: smlnj (= %v-%r)
SourceRename: %v-ml-burg.tgz
SourceDirectory: ml-burg
Source-MD5: efa7b9b411f2a674e39383d723040c64
# the doc/ subdir contains a latex209 file and a fig file;
# they don't compile easily (and are very sketchy anyway...)
Patch: %f.patch
DocFiles: LICENSE example1.burg example2.burg doc/doc.tex
CompileScript: <<
  echo CM.make \"\" \; SMLofNJ.exportFn\(\"ml-burg\", Main.main\) | sml
InstallScript: <<
  mkdir -p %i/lib/smlnj
  mv ml-burg.ppc-darwin %i/lib/smlnj
  mkdir -p %i/bin
  ln -s smlnj-script %i/bin/ml-burg
DescDetail: <<
ml-burg generates a Standard ML program to perform bottom-up rewriting
of an input tree.  Cost information associated with each rewrite rule
is used to derive the minimum rewrite cost for the entire tree. A
successful reduction corresponds to rewriting the input tree to a
special non-terminal symbol called the "start" non-terminal. Upon
successful reduction, facilities are provided to walk the tree
emitting semantic actions corresponding to the rules that matched.

Install this package if you want to write a compiler in SML using 
a burg specification.