Package: smlnj-runtime Version: 110.42 Revision: 1 Description: Standard ML of New Jersey runtime system Maintainer: Christopher League Homepage: License: BSD Suggests: smlnj CustomMirror: << Primary: Secondary: eur-AT: << Source: mirror:custom:%v/runtime.tgz SourceRename: %v-runtime.tgz SourceDirectory: runtime Source-MD5: 2fbd0a8bf452c7ada0369fec1c3b732c Source2: mirror:custom:%v/%v-README DocFiles: LICENSE ../%v-README Patch: %f.patch CompileScript: cd objs; case `uname -r` in 5.*) make -f mk.ppc-darwin5;; *) make -f mk.ppc-darwin;; esac InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin cp objs/run.ppc-darwin* %i/bin/smlnj-runtime sed -e "s,@PREFIX@,%p," smlnj-script >> %i/bin/smlnj-script chmod 755 %i/bin/smlnj-script << DescDetail: << SML/NJ is an implementation of the Standard ML programming language, produced and maintained by researchers at Bell Labs, Princeton, Yale, and AT&T Research. This package includes the runtime system only -- it provides garbage collection and other support for compiled SML programs. Install this package if you want to run programs written in SML. << DescUsage: << End users will not use this package directly. It installs one executable (smlnj-runtime) and one shell script (smlnj-script) in bin/. These are used to run other programs written in SML -- invoking them on their own is rarely useful. << DescPackaging: << I ignored the installation script provided by Bell Labs. I also wrote the smlnj-script, which looks for a "heap file" with the same name as $0 in /lib/smlnj/ and then invokes smlnj-runtime with the requisite arguments. To package an SML program as an executable, please place the heap file in /lib/smlnj/ and then create a symlink to smlnj-script with the program name. << Source2-MD5: ab7a93ffc3b886450d4e5ad665fbbba8