Package: gnujaxp Version: 1.0beta1 Revision: 1 Source: mirror:gnu:classpathx/ PatchScript: sed 's:@FINK_PREFIX@:%p:g' <%a/%f.patch | patch -p1 CompileScript: << ./configure %c make all << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/java/%n cp %n.jar %i/share/java/%n mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n cp -r apidoc %i/share/doc/%n mkdir -p %i/etc/profile.d install -m 755 %i/etc/profile.d/ install -m 755 %n.csh %i/etc/profile.d/ << DocFiles: COPYING COPYRIGHT.html LICENSE README Description: Basic XML processing in Java, and some SAX2 utilities DescDetail: << GNUJAXP includes interfaces and implementations for basic XML processing in Java, and some general purpose SAX2 utilities. << DescPort: profile.d scripts to add the jars to the CLASSPATH DescPackaging: << - cp the docs to share/doc/%n - cp the jars to share/java/%n << Homepage: Maintainer: Sylvain Cuaz License: GPL Source-MD5: 42b041800cc1237cf45e80c6ff35c476