Package: gd-pm580 Version: 2.06 Revision: 7 Replaces: gd-pm (<= 2.06-5), gd-pm560 PostInstScript: << rm -rf %p/lib/perl5/darwin/auto/GD/ rm -f %p/lib/perl5/darwin/GD/ rm -f %p/lib/perl5/darwin/ rm -f %p/lib/perl5/darwin/ << Description: Perl interface to the GD graphics library Type: perl 5.8.0 License: Artistic Maintainer: Michael Baudis # Dependencies: Depends: gd209-shlibs (>= 2.0.9-3), perl580-core BuildDepends: gd209 (>= 2.0.9-3), dlcompat-dev, fink (>= 0.13.0-1), perl580-core # Unpack Phase: Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/LDS/GD-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 90025c06e22c91e22588cee1567d3c7c # Patch Phase: PatchScript: << cp Makefile.PL Makefile.PL.original perl -pi -e 's/qw\(-I/qw\(-I\%p\/include -I/' Makefile.PL perl -pi -e 's/qw\(-L/qw\(-L\%p\/lib -L/' Makefile.PL perl -pi -e 's/(my \$PREFIX).+?\;/$1=\"\%p\/lib\"\;/' Makefile.PL perl -pi -e 's/warn.+Please.+//' Makefile.PL perl -pi -e 's/(JPEG +=).+eq /$1/' Makefile.PL perl -pi -e 's/(FT +=).+eq /$1/' Makefile.PL perl -pi -e 's/(XPM +=).+eq /$1/' Makefile.PL perl -pi -e 's/(XPM.+)y/$1n/' Makefile.PL << # Install Phase: UpdatePOD: true DocFiles: ChangeLog MANIFEST README # Additional Data: DescPackaging: << Makefile.PL is patched via perl commands for linking with the gd libs in the Fink directory because of the forced installation of libjpeg and freetype, interactive feature selection is overridden The reliance on gd209 is temporary, until problems with the latest version of gd2 can be sorted out. << Homepage: