Package: params-validate-pm560 Version: 0.67 Revision: 3 Description: Perl module to validate method/function parameters Type: perl 5.6.0 License: Artistic Maintainer: None # Dependencies: Depends: attribute-handlers-pm560 BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.20.1-1), test-simple-pm560, darwin (<< 7.0.0-1) | perl560-core Replaces: params-validate-pm (<= 0.57-1) # Unpack Phase: Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/D/DR/DROLSKY/Params-Validate-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 4df453700f1cd47ceb3df341a9f9952a # Install Phase: UpdatePOD: true DocFiles: Changes LICENSE MANIFEST README # Additional Data: DescDetail: << The Params::Validate module provides a flexible system for validation method/function call parameters. The validation can be as simple as checking for the presence of required parameters or as complex as validating object classes (via isa) or capabilities (via can), checking parameter types, and using customized callbacks to ensure data integrity. The module has been designed to work equally well with positional or named parameters (via a hash or hash reference). << DescPackaging: << This package should not be moved to the 10.3 tree, since i don't support perl 5.6.0 on 10.3. << Homepage: