Package: pilot-link9-perl581 Version: 0.11.8 Revision: 1 ### Depends: pilot-link9-shlibs, system-perl581 | perl581-core BuildDepends: pilot-link9 Replaces: pilot-link9-perl (<= 0.11.7-1) ### Source: Source-MD5: 586f84add601e8b86da3093ab784e997 SourceDirectory: pilot-link-%v/bindings/Perl ### PatchScript: sed 's|@FINKPREFIX@|%p|g' <%a/%n.patch | patch -p1 ### Type: perl 5.8.1 UpdatePOD: true ### DocFiles: MANIFEST README* ### CompileScript: << perl5.8.1 Makefile.PL PREFIX=%p INSTALLPRIVLIB=%p/lib/perl5/5.8.1 INSTALLARCHLIB=%p/lib/perl5/5.8.1/darwin INSTALLSITELIB=%p/lib/perl5/5.8.1 INSTALLSITEARCH=%p/lib/perl5/5.8.1/darwin INSTALLMAN1DIR=%i/share/man/man1 INSTALLMAN3DIR=%i/share/man/man3 make << ### Description: Palm libraries perl modules DescDetail: << Pilot-Link is the tools and toys needed to connect your Palm or Palm compatible handheld (including Handspring, Sony, and Palm) with Unix and Linux machines. << ### License: GPL Maintainer: None Homepage: