Package: shout-pm560 Version: 1.0 Revision: 2 ### Depends: libshout-shlibs BuildDepends: libshout, fink (>= 0.13.0-1), darwin (<< 7.0.0-1) | perl560-core Conflicts: shout-pm (<= 1.0-1) Replaces: shout-pm (<= 1.0-1) ### Source: Source-MD5: f5cba6e7a8b6b1462b9c17bdcdf6216a ### Type: perl 5.6.0 UpdatePOD: true ### PatchScript: sed -e s,@FINKPREFIX@,%p, %a/%f.patch | patch -p1 ### DocFiles: Changes MANIFEST ### Description: Libshout perl module extension DescDetail: << Shout perl module is a extension to the libshout library. << ### License: GPL Maintainer: None Homepage: