Package: term-readline-gnu-pm560 Version: 1.13 Revision: 2 Replaces: term-readline-gnu-pm (<= 1.13-1) PostInstScript: << rm -rf %p/lib/perl5/darwin/auto/Term/ReadLine/Gnu/ rm -rf %p/lib/perl5/darwin/Term/ReadLine/Gnu/ rm -f %p/lib/perl5/darwin/Term/ReadLine/ << Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/H/HA/HAYASHI/Term-ReadLine-Gnu-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 67eeba8587e7e6146f0e271ffc065db6 Type: perl 5.6.0 UpdatePOD: true DocFiles: MANIFEST README Depends: readline-shlibs BuildDepends: readline, fink (>= 0.13.0-1), darwin (<< 7.0.0-1) | perl560-core Description: Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library DescDetail: << This is a quick implementation of the minimal interface to Readline libraries. The implementation is made in Perl (mostly) by Jeffrey Friedl. The only thing this library does is to make it conformant (and add some minimal changes, like using Term::ReadKey if present, and correct work under xterm). << CompileScript: << perl5.6.0 Makefile.PL --prefix=%p make << # make test DescPort: << (dmrrsn) Disabled "make test" for revision 2, since it fails tests on my system << License: GPL Maintainer: None <> Homepage: