Package: xml-writer-pm Version: 0.4 Revision: 3 ### Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/D/DM/DMEGG/XML-Writer-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: d07811beb3329ef6bbe7f50b52d242dd ### Type: perl UpdatePOD: true ### DocFiles: Changes MANIFEST README* ### CompileScript: << perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=%p INSTALLPRIVLIB=%p/lib/perl5 INSTALLARCHLIB=%p/lib/perl5/darwin INSTALLSITELIB=%p/lib/perl5 INSTALLSITEARCH=%p/lib/perl5/darwin INSTALLMAN1DIR=%i/share/man/man1 INSTALLMAN3DIR=%i/share/man/man3 make << ### Description: Perl module for writing XML documents DescDetail: << XML::Writer is a simple Perl module for writing XML documents: it takes care of constructing markup and escaping data correctly, and by default, it also performs a significant amount of well-formedness checking on the output, to make certain (for example) that start and end tags match, that there is exactly one document element, and that there are not duplicate attribute names. << DescPort: << Need To Fix "make test" << ### License: Artistic Maintainer: None Homepage: