Package: tclexpat Version: 2.6 Revision: 1 Description: XML/expat parsing routines for Tcl scripts DescPort: << There's something weird with file locations between the parent directory and this one. The installed headers have generic names so move them into a subdir in include/ so not conflict with other packages (or be accidentally loaded in preference to other subdirs). To build against this package, pass a -I%p/include/%n to your compiler. This compiles a shared library but does not set the compatibility version info, nor does it install a .la or the full set of versioned and versionless links for .dylib files. The whole thing goes in a private place in lib/ so not going to fix this nor make a -shlibs. << Homepage: License: GPL Maintainer: Daniel Macks <> BuildDepends: dlcompat-dev Depends: tcltk (>= 8.3-1), tcllib (>= 1.2-1), dlcompat-shlibs, tclxml Source: mirror:sourceforge:tclxml/tclxml-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: a54d1d6965e2123529e80d2a7ed251ec PatchScript: << cd expat; ln -s ../tclexpat.c . << ConfigureParams: --enable-shared --with-tcl=%p/lib --with-Tclxml=%p/lib SetCPPFLAGS: -I.. SetLDFLAGS: -L%p/lib/Tclxml%v CompileScript: << cd expat; ./configure %c cd expat; make << InstallScript: << cd expat; make install DESTDIR=%d mkdir -m 0755 %i/include/%n mv %i/include/*.h %i/include/%n << DocFiles: expat/expat.html