Package: ckermit Version: 8.0.201 Revision: 3 Source: Source-MD5: c2bde7371336b04e7cafe77142b68053 SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.gz SourceDirectory: . Suggests: minicom BuildDepends: ncurses-dev CompileScript: KFLAGS='-DNDSYSERRLIST -I%p/include -DLOCK_DIR=\\\"%p/var/spool/lock\\\"' LIBS=-L%p/lib make macosx10nc InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin mkdir -p %i/var/spool/lock cp wermit %i/bin/ckermit << DocFiles: *.txt *.ini COPYING.TXT Description: Kermit Transfer Program/Swis Army Knife DescDetail: << C-Kermit is a Unix program for transferring files with the Kermit protocol. C-Kermit is a product of the Kermit Project at Columbia University in New York city. It includes many features suck as dial-out, TCP/IP, and many others. Users are encouraged to by the manual to help support the project, and in some cases a license may be required. See the COPTING.TXT file for more details. << License: Restrictive Maintainer: Chris Zubrzycki Homepage: