Package: edict Version: 1.1 Revision: 1 Description: Command-line interface to online dictionaries License: GPL Maintainer: James Gibbs Source: mirror:sourceforge:edictionary/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: a35eeac4d166609be59f3568086c8396 SourceDirectory: %n GCC: 3.3 CompileScript: echo No compilation necessary. InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh echo ------------------------------------------------------ echo Please view the README file, before using the program. echo ------------------------------------------------------ echo Installing as %p/bin/edict mkdir -p %i/bin install edict %i/bin/ ln -s %p/bin/%n %i/bin/ethes echo Install successful echo Now you can run edict as: echo edict \ echo which will show the meaning of \ echo You can also run ethes as: echo ethes \ echo which will show the synonyms/antonyms for \ << DescUsage: << Type 'edict ' in a terminal. For thesaurus, type 'ethes '. Proxy servers are specified by 'edict -p server:port '. NOTE: Please note that edict uses various dictionary web-sites to fetch the meanings of the words. Please read the "TERMS OF USE" of the dictionary site before you start using it. Don't use the program if you intend to violate the "TERMS OF USE". The author of this program will not be held responsible for any violations/consequences in any way. The program is provided just to facilitate fetching text using HTTP. << DocFiles: COPYING ChangeLog GPL.txt README ReleaseNotes TODO Homepage: DescDetail: << edict is a dictionary program written in PERL. edict can fetch meanings of the words you supply to it as arguments. edict is capable of using one of the many user defined dictionaries to fetch the word meanings. <<