Package: fetchmail Version: 6.1.0 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Eric Knauel BuildDepends: bison, gettext-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools, libiconv-dev Conflicts: fetchmail-ssl Replaces: fetchmail-ssl Source: Source-MD5: 8c57c33e4c49ffddde0024e24e371d25 SetCFLAGS: -I%p/include ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --without-ssl --enable-inet6 PatchScript: << sed 's|@l@||g' < intl/ | sed 's|@GT_NO@||g' > tmp ; mv tmp intl/ grep -v "@GT_YES@" < intl/ > tmp ; mv tmp intl/ << InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: COPYING FAQ FEATURES NEWS NOTES README* TODO Description: Fetch mail from POP3 and IMAP server DescDetail: << Fetchmail is a free, full-featured, robust, well-documented remote-mail retrieval and forwarding utility intended to be used over on-demand TCP/IP links (such as SLIP or PPP connections). It supports every remote-mail protocol now in use on the Internet: POP2, POP3, RPOP, APOP, KPOP, all flavors of IMAP, and ESMTP ETRN. It can even support IPv6 and IPSEC. << Homepage: License: GPL