Package: kismet Version: 3.0.1 Revision: 11 Description: 802.11 wireless network sniffer DescDetail: << Kismet is an 802.11 wireless network sniffer - this is different from a normal network sniffer (such as Ethereal or tcpdump) because it separates and identifies different wireless networks in the area. Kismet works with any 802.11b wireless card which is capable of reporting raw packets (rfmon support), which include any prism2 based card (Linksys, D-Link, Rangelan, etc), Cisco Aironet cards, and Orinoco based cards. Kismet also supports the WSP100 802.11b remote sensor by Network Chemistry and is able to monitor 802.11a networks with cards which use the ar5k chipset. << DescUsage: << QUICK START Detailed information about each of these steps can be found in the appropriate section of the documentation. 1. Compile and Install Kismet 2. Configure kismet.conf and kismet_ui.conf for your card and setup. Make sure to put a valid, non-root user as the 'suiduser' option. This user is the account kismet will run as once it has attached to the capture source. 3. Run kismet_monitor to enable rfmon mode, optionally with the channel hopper. kismet_monitor must be run as root because it changes the state of the card. 4. Run kismet. Kismet should be run as the user you specified as the 'suiduser'. If kismet is started as root, it will drop privs to this user, but the frontend will still run as root. If you have not already, read the docs in docs/ and edit etc/kismet/kismet.conf to configure it for your system. If you do not configure this, Kismet will NOT run properly! << DescPort: << Remove all traces of included GNU getopt (will use Fink's). Added needed flags to find it and keep getopt.h happy. Sources all specifiy their own getopt.h, so patch to use any. Setting a CPPFLAGS -I for GNU getopt passes preprocessor test but also beed to pass it as CFLAGS -Wp in order to pass compiler test. This needs Viha (for AirPort support) (README says supports 0.0.1a, may work with 0.0.2). But 0.0.1a is only available as a precompiled binary that cannot be relocated from /Library (so cannot make a fink package). The only 0.0.2 thing I see looks like a very different program altogether, so will just force the user to manually install viha-0.0.1a via a system-viha package. Fink's ethereal (-ssl) doesn't install libwiretap so disable ethereal. All config files from etc/ consolidated into etc/%n. Not installing the extras (so not docs/README.extras either). << Homepage: License: GPL Maintainer: Daniel Macks BuildDepends: glib, expat, libgnugetopt, libpng3, lcms, libtiff, freetype2 | freetype2-hinting, libjpeg, libxml2, x11-dev Depends: x11, glib-shlibs, expat-shlibs, wget | wget-ssl, imagemagick | imagemagick-nox, libgnugetopt-shlibs, ethereal | ethereal-ssl, libpng3-shlibs, lcms-shlibs, libtiff-shlibs, freetype2-shlibs | freetype2-hinting-shlibs, libjpeg-shlibs, libxml2, system-viha (>= 0.0.1a-1) Conflicts: system-viha (>= 0.0.2-1) Recommends: gpsdrive GCC: 3.3 Source: Source-MD5: 7ba34081eb93d7ca27377593ba40524b Patch: %n.patch PatchScript: << rm -f getopt.* perl -pi -e 's/getopt.o//g' perl -pi -e 's/"getopt.h"//' `grep -lr '"getopt.h"' .` perl -pi -e 's|/usr/local/etc|%p/etc/%n|' README docs/README.html man/kismet.conf.5 << SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/include/gnugetopt -DHAVE_DECL_GETOPT SetCFLAGS: -Wp,-I%p/include/gnugetopt -framework WiFi SetLDFLAGS: -lgnugetopt ConfigureParams: --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --sysconfdir='${prefix}/etc/%n' --without-ethereal CompileScript: << ./configure %c make dep make << DocFiles: CHANGELOG FAQ GPL README TODO docs/DEVEL.* docs/README.* ConfFiles: << %p/etc/%n/ap_manuf %p/etc/%n/client_manuf %p/etc/%n/kismet.conf %p/etc/%n/kismet_drone.conf %p/etc/%n/kismet_ui.conf <<