Package: mrtg Version: 2.9.22 Revision: 2 Maintainer: Jeremy Higgs Depends: gd-shlibs BuildDepends: freetype2, gd, gd-bin Source: Source-MD5: ca568e4f452ff82f3d6d1461e3dbf98b UpdateConfigGuess: true Patch: %f.patch PatchScript: << mv doc/contrib.1 doc/%n-contrib.1 mv doc/faq.1 doc/%n-faq.1 mv doc/forum.1 doc/%n-forum.1 mv doc/logfile.1 doc/%n-logfile.1 mv doc/mibhelp.1 doc/%n-mibhelp.1 mv doc/nt-guide.1 doc/%n-nt-guide.1 mv doc/reference.1 doc/%n-reference.1 mv doc/squid.1 doc/%n-squid.1 mv doc/unix-guide.1 doc/%n-unix-guide.1 mv doc/webserver.1 doc/%n-webserver.1 << SetCPPFLAGS: -no-cpp-precomp Description: Network interface traffic load monitor DescDetail: << MRTG uses the GD library and LibPNG to display graphs on a web server, giving a visual representation of the traffic through a given network interface. << DescPackaging: << PatchScript moves some manpages to more appropriate names where they are less likely to conflict with other packages. << DescPort: << Patch disables use of 'malloc.h' in src/rateup.c. Config.guess and config.sub files updated for Darwin compatibility. << License: GPL Homepage: