Package: spamprobe Version: 1.0a Revision: 1 License: OSI-Approved Maintainer: Daniel Sohl BuildDepends: db4 Depends: db4-shlibs Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 54d34264a0a625b065ddd3f3827d74c5 Patch: %n.patch ConfigureParams: --with-db=%p --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' DocFiles: ChangeLog LICENSE.txt README.txt Description: Spam filtering using Bayesian statistics DescDetail: << * Spam detection using Bayesian analysis of terms contained in each email. Words used often in spams but not in good email tend to indicate that a message is spam. * Written in C++ for good performance. Database access using BerkeleyDB for quick startup and fast term count retrieval. * Recognition and decoding of MIME attachments in quoted-printable and base64 encoding. Automatically skips non-text attachments. MIME decoding enables SpamProbe to make decisions based on words in the emails rather than base64 gobbledigook. * Counts two word phrases as well as single words for higher precision. << DescPort: << The db4 fink package puts its header files in /sw/include/db4 so a patch was necessary to include instead of just . Also, the configure script included with spamprobe does not seem to recognise custom include directories, so a patch was necessary there also. <<