Package: system-viha Version: 0.0.1a Revision: 1 Type: bundle Description: Placeholder for Viha WiFi framework DescDetail: << Install this package if you have manually installed the Viha WiFi framework, which is available as a precompiled binary from: Follow the therein-enclosed README file for installation instructions. << DescPort: << There's no visible version info without parsing some XML. << Homepage: Maintainer: Daniel Macks PreInstScript: << tmpdir=`mktemp -d` || { echo "Cannot make temp directory." exit 1 } tmpfile=${tmpdir}/test.out gcc -framework WiFi -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -o $tmpfile || { echo "Cannot link against the WiFi framework." rmdir $tmpdir exit 1 } rm -f $tmpfile rmdir $tmpdir echo "#include " | gcc -E - > /dev/null || { echo "Cannot compile against the WiFi framework headers." exit 1 } echo "Your Viha WiFi framework looks OK." exit 0 <<