Package: ytalk-nox
Version: 3.1.1
Revision: 22
BuildDepends: ncurses-dev (>= 5.3-12)
Depends: ncurses (>= 5.3-12), ncurses-shlibs (>= 5.3-12)
Conflicts: ytalk
Replaces: ytalk
Source-MD5: e678401ab48be6728ec700458ad8ace0
ConfigureParams: --without-x --mandir=%i/share/man --infodir=%i/share/info
GCC: 3.3
ConfFiles: %p/etc/ytalkrc
DocFiles: BUGS ChangeLog README
Description: Enhanced talk program
DescDetail: <<
Ytalk is a multi-user chat program. It works exactly like the UNIX talk
program and even communicates with the same talk daemons. Ytalk's
advantages come in it's ability to allow multiple connections.
DescPort: <<
Ytalk has the option of compiling with or without X11 GUI support.
This version of ytalk provides only the textmode console version of
the application. If you wish to install the version with a GUI
frontend, then install the ytalk package instead. The two are mutually
exclusive, you can only have one installed.
License: OSI-Approved
Maintainer: Paul Swenson <>