Package: ccsl Version: 1.0 Revision: 3 Source: Source-MD5: d758ebb9e53380d8a45dffcf4d18b94f Source2: SourceDirectory: ../%f Source2-MD5: 64323f2a41e040259dd62eacefa90f72 Depends: libpng3-shlibs, pgplot, x11 BuildDepends: g77, libpng3, x11-dev PatchScript: << mv Install Install_dist sed s/sbin/bin/g Install_dist > Install chmod a+x Install touch fortran.errors ./Install rm -f options/graphics_choices echo "%p/lib/pgplot/libpgplot.a -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lpng -lcc_dynamic -Wl,-framework -Wl,Foundation -Wl,-framework -Wl,AppKit" > options/graphics_choices echo "pigpg # version of piglet which uses the above library" >> options/graphics_choices mv options/f77_choices options/f77_choices_dist sed s/"-mips3"/""/g options/f77_choices_dist > options/f77_choices << CompileScript: << #!/bin/csh echo "Please ignore all ranlib errors, they will be corrected." source environment make all mv source/pigmk4.f source/pigmk4.f_dist grep -v PUTENV source/pigmk4.f_dist > source/pigmk4.f ranlib lib/libmk4.a make all << InstallScript: << \rm -R -f bad chmod -R a+r * chmod -R a+x exe perl source chmod a+x options lib icons.doc html.doc graf mkdir -p %i/share/xtal/%n cp -R * %i/share/xtal/%n/. mkdir -p %i/share/xtal/%n/doc/tex cp -p *.tex %i/share/xtal/%n/doc/tex/. mkdir -p %i/share/xtal/%n/doc/html cp -p html.doc/*.html %i/share/xtal/%n/doc/html/. mkdir -p %i/share/doc/ccsl ln -s %p/share/xtal/%n/doc %i/share/doc/%n mkdir -p %i/etc/profile.d echo "set path = ( %p/share/xtal/%n/exe \$path )" >> %i/etc/profile.d/%n.csh echo "PATH=%p/share/xtal/%n/exe:\$PATH" >> %i/etc/profile.d/ echo "export PATH" >> %i/etc/profile.d/ << RunTimeVars: << CCSL: %p/share/xtal/ccsl CCSL_DOC: %p/share/xtal/ccsl/doc CCSL_PERL: %p/share/xtal/ccsl/perl CCSL_OPT: %p/share/xtal/ccsl/options CCSL_SRC: %p/share/xtal/ccsl/source CCSL_LIB: %p/share/xtal/ccsl/lib CCSL_LIBDEST: %p/share/xtal/ccsl/lib CCSL_EXE: %p/share/xtal/ccsl/exe CCSL_GRAF: %p/share/xtal/ccsl/graf CCSLIB: %p/share/xtal/ccsl/lib/libmk4.a << Description: Cambridge Crystallographic Subroutine Library DescDetail: << Cambridge Crystallographic Subroutine Library is a library of subroutines for doing crystallographic and related calculations. It is designed not so much as a set of programs for determining and refining structures, for which several other systems are available, but as toolbox to allow the crystallography of non-trivial structures to be easily introduced into user programs. Homepage: << DocFiles: 0README manual.tex License: Restrictive Maintainer: W. G. Scott