Package: gaiw Version: 0.2.0pre1 Revision: 13 GCC: 3.3 Maintainer: Kevin Horton Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: f6611586aaa575407d38f04d98334ab5 Patch: %n.patch Depends: grace, qt3-shlibs (>= 3.2.1-12), x11, gawk BuildDepends: qt3 (>= 3.2.1-12), x11-dev SourceDirectory: gaiw CompileScript: << qmake -after "exec.path=%i/bin/" "doc.path=%i/share/doc/%n" "auxiliary.path=%i/share/%n" make clean make << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin install -c -p -m 755 gaiw "%i/bin/" make install chmod 755 %i/bin/gaiw_reduce << DocFiles: doc/FAQ Description: ASCII data import front-end for Grace DescDetail: << Grace ASCII Import Wizard ("gaiw") is a cross-platform, Qt-based GUI allowing Grace users to create 2D XY plots from ASCII data files easily. << DescUsage: << Copy /sw/share/gaiw/header.agr to ~/.header.agr, or read the FAQ in /sw/share/doc/gaiw/. The path to the ASCII data file must not contain spaces, or the data will not be passed to Grace. Set the options in the File Options tab before loading a data file into Gaiw. << DescPackaging: << Uses qmake command line switches to replace the paths in the file to put files in the correct place. Revision 13 - Added patch to remove "-geometry 10000x10000" sent to grace, as this caused problems with some window managers. << License: GPL Homepage: