Package: gri Version: 2.12.1 Revision: 11 Description: Language for scientific graphics programming DescDetail: << Gri is a language for scientific graphics programming. It is a command-driven application, as opposed to a click/point application. It is analogous to latex, and shares the property that extensive power is the reward for tolerating a modest learning curve. Gri output is in industry-standard PostScript, suitable for incorporation in documents prepared by various text processors. . Gri can make x-y graphs, contour-graphs, and image graphs. In addition to high-level capabilities, it has enough low-level capabilities to allow users to achieve a high degree of customization. Precise control is extended to all aspects of drawing, including line-widths, colors, and fonts. Text includes a subset of the tex language, so that it is easy to incorporate Greek letters and mathematical symbols in labels. . The following is a terse yet working Gri program. If it is stored in a file called 'example.gri', and executed with the unix command 'gri example', it will create a postscript file called '' with a linegraph connecting data points in the file called `file.dat'. . open file.dat # open a file with columnar data read columns x * y # read first column as x and third as y draw curve # draw line through data (autoscaled axes) << Source: Source-MD5: f444afc5b88f3a9aad1b9b238bc90dc5 BuildDepends: autoconf2.5, netcdf Depends: netcdf-shlibs, texinfo (>= 4.1-3) GCC: 3.3 PatchScript: << mv sed 's|/usr/local|%p|g' < | sed 's|/usr/bin|%p/bin|g' > autoupdate -f autoreconf -f << CompileScript: << ./configure %c make libdir=%p/share/gri gri strip gri << InstallScript: << (cd doc ; make info html) (cd doc ; make html-install HTML_DIR=../docinst/html EXAMPLES_DIR=../docinst/examples) (cd docinst/html; ln -sf index.html gri1.html) cp -f README-linux-redhat README || : make DESTDIR=%d install_linux_redhat mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n cp -R docinst/html %i/share/doc/%n cp -R docinst/examples %i/share/doc/%n (mkdir -p %i/share/%n/tst_suite; cp doc/tst_suite/*gri %i/share/%n/tst_suite; cp doc/tst_suite/*dat %i/share/%n/tst_suite) << DocFiles: README copyright.txt doc/cmdrefcard.tex doc/refcard.tex License: GPL InfoDocs: Homepage: Maintainer: Jeffrey Whitaker