Package: numeric-py22 Version: 23.0 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Jeffrey Whitaker BuildDepends: dlcompat-dev Depends: python22 | python22-nox Replaces: numeric Provides: numeric Source: mirror:sourceforge:numpy/Numeric-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 2f8c3c5d0703ce12f55f04f43d1a9ab3 Patch: %f.patch CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh cd %p/lib/python2.2/config # add "-framework vecLib" to LDFLAGS in python Makefile. perl -pi -e "s|LDFLAGS=|LDFLAGS= -framework vecLib|g" Makefile cd %b python2.2 build cd %p/lib/python2.2/config # remove -"framework vecLib" from LDFLAGS in python Makefile. perl -pi -e "s|LDFLAGS= -framework vecLib|LDFLAGS=|g" Makefile << InstallScript: << python2.2 install --prefix=%i mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n cp -R Demo %i/share/doc/%n << DocFiles: changes.txt README Packages/MA/Legal.htm Description: Multidim'l numerical arrays for Python, using Apple vecLib DescDetail: << Links against optimized Apple vecLib BLAS/LAPACK, instead of using slower, built-in blas and lapack routines. Should now be just as fast as numeric-atlas. << DescPort: << Linking against vecLib framework requires temporary patching of python Makefile - so any other python modules that happen to be built at the same time will also link vecLib. Hopefull python distutils will be improved in the future so this won't be necessary. cblas.h from atlas included in patch - needed for fast dotblas, the cblas.h in vecLib doesn't work. << License: OSI-Approved Homepage: