Package: scipy-py22 Version: 20030629 Revision: 2 Depends: atlas, python22, numeric-py22, f2py-py22, fftw-shlibs, gnuplot, freetype2-shlibs, wxpython-py22, reportlab-py22 BuildDepends: freetype2, fftw, dlcompat-dev Provides: scipy Replaces: scipy Patch: %f.patch Source: Source-MD5: d49c7bfc5d005f1b3c64e9482fad03d0 Description: Scientific tools for Python2.2 DescDetail: << SciPy supplements the popular Numeric module, gathering a variety of high level science and engineering modules together as a single package. Within SciPy are modules for graphics and plotting, optimization, integration, special functions, signal and image processing, genetic algorithms, ODE solvers, and others. << License: OSI-Approved DocFiles: INSTALL.txt LICENSE.txt NoSetCPPFLAGS: true CompileScript: python2.2 build InstallScript: python2.2 install --prefix=%i Maintainer: Jeffrey Whitaker Homepage: